
Open: Monday – Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Articles + Videos

15320 Brown Avenue, Duvall, WA 98019
Store Phone: 425-788-5487

Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting Seeds indoors Winter has been holding on and most of us die hard gardeners are trying to push the season! One nice day seems to herald the onset of spring, but is quickly followed by a week of rain, or the forecast of snow in higher elevations. Thank goodness for the opportunity to start flower and vegetable seed indoors! It’s [...]

Summer Pots

Summer Pots Summer is finally here and we are inundated with anything and everything we could possibly want for our pots…only problem? What goes where? What’s best for sun? Partial sun? Shade? Here are just a few ideas of plants and possibilities for your pots. Anything that says full sun should have at least 6 hours of direct sun to [...]

Herbs, Edibles & Successive Planting

Herbs, Edibles & Successive Planting Now is a great time to start planting herbs in your garden. The temperatures at night are still cool, but thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, chives, mint, tarragon and fennel are all hardy enough to deal with our spring nights. As for vegetables; beets, broccoli, cabbage, peas, potatoes, strawberries, spinach and lettuce are ready to go [...]

Planting Spring Bulbs

Planting Spring Bulbs   Here we are about to go into winter and all thoughts are on what we can plant now for the spring. As gardeners we are always dreaming about what we can plant now for the coming season. In the fall it’s all about bulbs! Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus, Scilla, Snowdrops, Alliums, Garlic and more. These beauties can [...]

Bee Keeping

Replacing Dead colonies   If you kept bees last year you are probably in the same boat I am and have dead hives to fill. You need to order replacement packages ASAP and prepare your hive for a new colony. When preparing a dead out for new bees it is necessary to strip the hive down to the bottom board [...]

Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquake Preparedness   After our little earthquake during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday, I thought a short little earthquake preparedness check list might be in order. Most of us have the majority of these items ready in case we have a winter storm, but a few more items would not be a bad idea in your emergency kit. Drinking water for [...]

Blossom End Rot

This summer is a great year for tomatoes, despite the lack of rain, the tomatoes are loving the heat and thriving, most of us should be looking at a bumper crop of warm loving veggies! J Only down side to the heat and warm weather, is the lack of rain and what this means for our vegetable crops. Blossom end [...]

Tips for Raising Honey Bees

Good news!  We expect to get our new Bee Keeping department completed the first week of April.  We will be stocking up on the most common supplies for bee keeping in the northwest. We also have partnered up with Bees Neez in Snohomish to bring package bees to Duvall April 15th.  If you want packages (3lb with Italian Queens $110) let me know before then.  Also there has [...]

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